Aluminium Molten Metal Quality & Melt Treatment (April 2025)
Tuesday 15th April 2025, starting at 14:00 (UK time), and weekly until 3rd June 2025
This course comprises 8 weekly sessions, covering the major measures of aluminium molten metal quality: dissolved hydrogen, non-metallic inclusions and alkali metals. In each case, the course covers the origins of that impurity, and the downstream impacts if levels are too high. The measurement methods and their limitations are reviewed, before addressing the technologies available to reduce impurities to acceptable levels. Each session will consist of a seminar, and an associated workshop.
The course can be attended as a standalone course, or seen as the second in a trilogy of related courses. It is preceded by Scrap Recycling and Melting, and will be followed later in 2025 by DC Casting.
View Brochure
Aluminium Molten Metal Quality & Melt Treatment
Course Agenda
- Development of molten metal treatment
- Origin and measurement of dissolved hydrogen
- Principles of hydrogen removal
- Incluions: origin and measurement
- Inclusion removal (1): furnace operations
- Inclusion removal (2): filtration
- Alkalis: origins and removal
- Grain refinement
Each session lasts typically 2 hours. Following the seminar, attendees are left with a workshop to tackle in their own time before the start of the next session. The subsequent session starts with an interactive review of the previous week's workshop.
Simulation of degassing hydrogen from aluminium |
Simulation of fluxing to remove dissolved alkalis |
Fracture syrface of hot tear in cast aluminium |